Anyways, i've entitled today's entry as such bc it's somewhat of a joint effort between my blog "SoCal Smoothness" and my younger brother's "all 32 Flavors". So basically its what happens when our two worlds collide: late nights and fun times! Today's entry is kind of basic summary of what we did, places we went and food we ate and basically stuff you should do too if you're in the area.
Girardo, the bro, came last friday and left last night do he was here for a little over a week. I brought to some of my fave spots including Old Town, in Pasadena, The Galleria in Glendale, and the The Alley in the Fashion District. We also hit up some new spots inlcuding the Santa Monica Pier.
One of the first places we went was Hollywood Blvd. I pretty much the photog and Gi was the subject. We hit up Grauman's Chinese Theatre and the Kodak Theatre and took some pretty cool pix. And i dont know if i have a sign on my forehead or something but once again as I'm walking back to the car some random dude asks us if we wanted weed! No, i do not wish to buy it from anyone, i do not have any to give and no i was not support your habit! Just leave me alone and keep it moving. Sigh, just had to get that off my chest. We also got RIDICULOUSLY lost on the way home, which is not too hard to believe for those who know me. It got to the point where i was soo unaware of where i was and how to get to where i need to be (and not to mention that its was dumb late and had just finished helping Doreen paint so i was exhausted) that i literally just wanted to pull the car over and cry. But we were somewhere in the middle of the hood so i had to way my choices and came to the conclusion that i'd rather be tired and upset then carjacked and stranded, so on we went. Eventually we got home and 3 am.
In Old Town we just did some light shopping, lookin for Memorial clothes but the BEST part was the Italian ice cream (gelato) at this place called Picomolo at 20 E. Colorado. I had the Tiramisu and Mango flavored gelatos and Gi got the watermelon. Literally heaven on Earth. You have to try it. And there's the sickest sneaker shop, Neo 39. If you're into kicks, you must hit them up. There's so much to doi in Old Town, you kinda just need to hit that up yourself.
Santa Monica Pier was pretty nice. We went on the a roller coaster and the ferris wheel, which was a first for the both of us. I'm not so crazy about heights (my third biggest fear of dying is falling to my death, so yea) but it was still really fun. I LOVE the view from up there, you could see practically everything. We also did those fun photo booth things. There's also an Ice Cream (the clothing line) store in the area at 420 Broadway.
The coolest thing we did (in my opinion) was go to the Griffith Onservatory. I'm super huge into science but i'll be the first to admit it's really interesting and it's not all tedious and boring like 3rd period science sophomore year of high school. But the hands-down, best part was the view of ALL of Los Angeles. Its makes you appreciate all the work Jehovah and Jesus put into creating the earth and it makes youlook forward to how much better it will be in the new system.
So thats's basically all i've got. If i think of anymore witty anecdotes i'll be sure to put them up. Also here's the link to the pix...
Just copy and paste the link. Enjoy and much love!
Stay smooth!
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